Author Archives: kpmadmin

King Construction Products Group Announces Super-Top Product Performance Improvement

King Packaged Materials Company is pleased to announce that Super-Top has recently been modified in order to improve product performance. The key improvements include the use of a finer aggregate gradation, which allows for improved finishability and ease-of-placement at smaller thicknesses. There is also an increase in sag resistance, which allows for ease-of-placement in overhead applications.

Although these modifications will change the performance of the product in the plastic state, the hardened properties of Super-Top have remained either unchanged or enhanced. The technical data for Super-Top has been updated to reflect the subsequent changes in bag size (from 18.5 KG to 25 KG), water proportioning, yield and applicable physical properties.

To view the updated Technical Data Sheet for Super-Top, previously referred to as Super-Top OV, click here.  Alternatively, speak to your KING Technical Representative.
